So yet again blogging has taken a back seat with posts being few and far between as I dedicated every waking minute to uni work, mostly dissertation these past few (read: many!) weeks. Its finished now, bound with a lovely bright green cover and handed in, not to be seen by me again for a few months! To be honest, the dissertation has been the least stressful assignment I've done for my degree and the most enjoyable. I'm really going to miss it and keep thinking about ways that I could expand it or different things I could write about the texts. Even though the final stages of the dissertation were time-consuming, I had some much needed breaks. One was my brother coming to stay with us for a weekend, which was really nice. He finally got to see the flat I'm living in now and we went out for amazing burgers at Atomic Burger (we actually went to Atomic Pizza, but you can order the burgers there too!) and then watched films, pewdiepie and drank kopperberg. It was perfect relaxation for me! The main reason he came to stay was to go to the applicant day at my uni as he has a place to start studying here in September just after I graduate! He was really impressed with the uni and course but he really likes another uni too so I'm not sure where he is going to end up just yet, but it would be odd/funny if he went to the same uni as me!
Something I always try to do, even if I'm busy writing essays, is go for a long walk on the weekend. It is a nice way to take a break from doing work and being cooped up in my flat or the library. These pictures were taken on a walk through the university parks, I'm not sure what it might actually be called though! We don't go here usually as it is a bit further from where we live now, but we used to go for walks here last year when Charlie lived right next to them. Very peaceful and pretty on a summery day! Going for a long walk always helps my brain to get going if I'm lacking motivation or creativity.
So now there are only a couple of weeks left of uni, which is completely crazy and terrifying. I still have no idea what I want to do after uni. I wanted to do a masters, but I just can't afford it. I have no idea how people fund the fees and living costs. It feels so unfair that I want to do a masters but don't have rich parents to pay for it, which is how I'm guessing most people fund it. I might try and save up money and do it next year, but it annoys me having to put it off for a year because I'll be 25 by then and might have lost my confidence after a year out of it all. Even though I get pretty good grades, I still don't feel confident that my work is 'good enough' most of the time! I had an email from my academic advisor yesterday urging me to reconsider because I'd be perfect for a masters, it was lovely to read but depressing at the same time! I'm just going to throw myself into my last couple of essays and enjoy the last bit of uni and see where life takes me... probably to the next series of The Vampire Diaries because I'm addicted!