Monday, 2 September 2013


Okay, so I'm not going back to school, I'm going into my last year of uni in just a couple of weeks and I thought I would share what is on my bookshelf this semester!

The first photo shows all the primary texts for my literature module, plus a few books for my dissertation. Why do you have the same book twice? I hear you ask, well as it is one of the books I am writing my dissertation on I thought it best to have a couple of copies to hand! The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is the other text I am writing on for my dissertation and if you haven't read it yet, I definitely suggest you click order on amazon, download on your kindle or iPad and if all else fails dive into your nearest Waterstones ASAP. 

The other books on that shelf are: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Code of the Woosters, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Cold Comfort Farm, The Constant Nymph, Diary of a Provincial Lady, Rebecca, and Decline and Fall. These are all for my literature module 'The Middlebrow Novel', which having read most of the books already, I am really rather looking forward to! 

A couple of the other books - Think, Philosophy and What Does It All Mean? Are philosophy books I keep on hand in case they are required. I don't have any books for my next philosophy module (Philosophy of Mind, my favourite!) yet because I tend to use the library copies rather than buy my own (££££!), I buy my own books for English because they are usually pretty cheap and I have to write in them most of the time!

On the second shelf are just a bunch of library books that I have been using to help with my research for my dissertation. I particularly like Eye Rhymes: Sylvia Plath's Art of the Visual, which is full of artwork Plath did growing up and a written insight into her life and works. 

This is just the beginning, when the semester gets going and essays need to be written, the amount of books will multiply (feel sorry for my shoulder having to carry them all back and forth from the library!) and at my parent's house is where I keep my own library, as there is no way I could have fit anything I didn't need in my tiny flat! 

I know this isn't going to be particularly interesting for anyone, but it will be for me to look back at someday when I either want to think fondly of or curse the modules I am about to take!

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