I'm sorry, but these sorts of things are always hard to get attractive pictures of, I am a student and don't own fancy bowls, a fancy kitchen, hell, I don't even have a dining table so sorry it doesn't look too appetising on the plate! It's darn tasty though...
This week I'm doing something a bit different in my kitchen so I thought I'd share it on the blog. I've started being very good and planning my weeks meals in the hope that I would save money on my shopping and not end up eating delicious things like tempura prawns, home-made pizza and pork wellingtons monday-wednesday and then pasta with frozen peas thursday and friday because I've eaten all the nice ingredients :/
And let me tell you, it's working, like really working, we have been saving over a third on our food shop bill and have found we buy less but eat better and are able to buy things I would never normally think we could afford like a whole chicken and a bottle of wine (which I bought for a recipe, not just to drink! ...)
So with this in mind I have planned my meals this week and they are all recipes from food blogs. I have some awesome cook books but lately I have also found some blogs with recipes that rock. So as a sort of 'series' here, I'm going to be recipe-testing what I find in the food blog world, and share my findings! Here is one of them...
Sweet potato, lentil and coconut curry by
DeliciouslyElla. If you like healthy food that tastes good, Ella is for you! Click through to find her recipe. I found this super easy to make and really tasty to eat. There are a
load of really interesting looking recipes on Ella's blog that I can't wait to try out - healthy brownies that don't even need an oven being one of them! And do-it-yourself almond milk...